
adaptive cycle 1 agency 1 Agglomeration 1 Aix Marseille Provence metropolis 1 ambassadors 1 art market 1 attractiveness 1 attractivity 1 Barça 1 borders 1 Bottom-up planning 1 brand 2 brand image 1 business ecosystem 1 citizens virtual brand communities ; digital social networks; place branding ; citizen participation 1 city branding 1 club 1 cluster 1 Collective dynamics 1 collective strategy 1 Consumption practices 1 cool Japan 1 corridor. 1 costs 1 creative quarters 1 creative workers 1 cultural facility or event 1 cultural labelling policy 1 cultural LGBT event 1 cultural tourism 1 destination marketing 1 digital technologies 1 effectiveness 1 efficiency 1 entrepreneurial behaviour 1 Ethnography 1 European Capital of Culture 1 event urbanity 1 events 1 festivals 1 function 1 governance 2 heritage 2 Hierarchy 1 identities 1 identity 1 Identity 1 image 1 Imaginaries 1 impacts 1 incorporation 1 individual representations 1 Indo-Pacific 1 inland 1 institutionalisation. 1 Japan 1 Kenitra 1 Languedoc 1 Le Havre 1 legacy 2 legitimacy 1 living environment 1 location decision 1 logistics 1 Marathon 1 marketization 1 Marseille-Provence 2013 1 medium-sized cities 1 Mega-events 1 methods and tools 1 mobilization 1 Morroco 1 Multidimensional ranking 1 Nantes 1 nature based tourism 1 networks 1 Normandy 1 Olympic and Paralympic Games 1 olympic delivery 1 Olympic Games 1 Olympic games 1 online communication 1 online social media (OSMs) 1 organization 1 outcomes 1 Paris 1 Paris 2024 1 participation. 1 Place attachment 1 place brand equity 1 Place branding 1 place branding 2 Place branding; medias; image of the city 1 place marketing 3 Place marketing 1 place marketing ; attractiveness ; tourism ; periphery ; margins ; Auvergne 1 pop culture 1 positioning 1 Proximity 1 public management 1 Quebec parks 1 rationalization 1 recognition  1 reflexivity 1 regulation 1 Reputation 1 residential attractiveness 1 resilience 1 rural 1 Seine Axis 1 Seine Saint-Denis 1 shrinking cities 1 Shrinking cities 1 small cities 1 socio-spatial injustices 1 stakeholder theory 1 stakeholders 1 Stereotypes 1 street art 1 structuring impact and effect 1 Summer Olympic Games; Urban planning; Exploratory study; Publications Review. 1 tacit use 1 territorial brand 1 territorial communication 1 Territorial identity 1 Territorial Manager 1 territorial marketing 3 territorial transformation 1 territories 1 territory 2 territory. 1 Territory; Creative Industries; Communication; Events; Image. 1 Tokyo 2020 1 Tokyo Bay 1 tool for legitimizing action 1 Tourism 1 tourism 1 tourism engineering 1 tourism imaginary 1 tourist attractiveness 1 touristic city 1 translation debate 1 trust 1 urban decline 1 urban dynamics 1 Urban heritage ; urban shrinkage ; heritage marketing ; town-centre ; Villefranche-de-Rouergue 1 urban identity 1 urban labels 1 urban planning 2 urban policies 2 Urban shrinkage 1 urban shrinkage 1 urban transformations. 1 Values 1 website 1