
A Lágrima de um Caeté 1 Achilles’ shield 1 Africa 5 african literature 1 Alexander the Great 1 allegory 1 anachronism 1 anachronisms 1 anachrony 1 analepsis 2 ancestors 1 ancient epics 1 Antar 1 Anthropology ; great wars of Italy 1 Antiloque’s chariot race 1 apocalypse 1 arabian epics 1 arabian peninsula 1 arabic language 1 arabic literature 1 avatar 1 Belgrade 1 Ben Hilal 1 Bhojpur 1 Boûbou Ardo Galo 1 Brazil 1 Brazilian epic poetry 1 breaking epic 1 burlesque 1 Cantar de Mio Cid 1 Cantar de Rodrigo 1 catabase 1 challenge 1 chanson de geste 1 chronology 1 configuration 1 cosmic cycle 1 cultural fonction 1 dates 1 death and narration 1 deliberation 1 denial 1 destiny 1 detour 1 dharma 1 disappearance 1 Ekang 1 El Cid 1 Eliade 1 ellipsis 1 Enlightenment 1 enunciation 1 Epic 1 epic 5 epic cycle 1 epic pray 1 epic time 1 epics 5 Europe 1 events 1 fantastic 1 fashion 1 fictionalization 1 formulaïc style 1 Foûta Djalon 1 Fouta-Djalon 1 French xviith century 1 Fulani 1 Geéj 1 German Romanticism 1 gesture 2 ghost 1 God 1 greek literature 1 griot 1 Guélel et Goumallo 1 Hephaestus 1 heroine 1 heroism 1 hospitality 1 hybridism 1 identity 2 Iliad 1 illusion 1 immutability 1 inaccuracies 1 inconsistencies 1 India 1 indianism 1 instant 1 Islam 1 italian epic 1 jugglers 1 kairos 1 Kajoòr 1 literary genres 1 literary theory 1 literature 9 Literature 2 literature and war 1 Ludovico Arioste 1 Mahâbhârata 1 Makka 1 medieval literature 2 Meissa Teinde 1 memory 2 metalepsis 1 Middle Ages 1 modernity 1 musical tune 1 Mvet 1 Mvett 1 mvett 1 Mwendo 1 myth 1 myth of the Eternel Return 1 mythic time 1 naratology 1 narration 1 nativism 1 Nísia Floresta 1 North India epics 1 novel 2 observer-observed relationship 1 Odyssey 1 oral Literature 1 oral literature 6 Orlando furioso 1 pattern 1 performance 1 poetic 1 political history 1 popular literature 2 power 1 preislamic period 1 present 1 prolepsis 3 reference 1 refusal 1 regime of historicity 1 religion 1 repetition 1 revenge 2 revenge stories 1 rhapsode 1 Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar 1 Romanticism 1 Samba Guéladio Diégui 1 sanskrit 1 Sayf 1 scenography 1 sect 1 Serbian poetry 1 seriality 1 series 1 Sīrat ʿAntar 1 Sling 1 Spanish epic poetry 1 spectrum 1 status 1 storyteller 1 structure 1 tableaux-vivants 1 tekhnè 1 temporal regimes 1 temporality 9 tension 1 territory 1 the fall of Gâbou 1 The Lord of the Rings 1 threat 1 time 4 time marks 1 Tolkien 1 topoï 1 transfer 1 Transgression 1 travesty 1 war 1 Woman 1