1 | 2015
Percival Everett

Ce volume recueille les communications présentées lors du colloque international « Percival Everett » organisé par l’équipe, à l’initiative d’Agathe Berland et d’Anne-Laure Tissut, en mars 2013 à la Maison de l’Université de Mont-Saint-Aignan.Textes recueillis par Agathe Berland et Anne-Laure Tissut, et mis en forme par Sarah Boulet.

This volume gathers the papers given at the international conference “Percival Everett” organised by the ERIAC research center and managed by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, that took place in March 2013 at the Maison de l’Université in Mont-Saint-Aignan.Texts collected by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, and finalized for publication by Sarah Boulet.

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1 | 2015

Everett’s Eidolon: The Story of an Eye

Judith Roof


“Poetry leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism–to the blending and fusion of separate objects. It leads us to eternity, it leads us to death, and through death to continuity. Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea” (25). The image, like Bataille’s paean to poetry, matches the sun to the sea, blends and fuses separate objects, becomes another object, another point “decorporealized and transcendental” as Everett’s poem “Of Seeing” suggests, present. Everett’s eidolon–his image of the image–is that which cuts across the eye, which interrupts the meshing of sun and sea, the crossing that makes meshing visible as such. His eidolon is a meshing, a cutting that makes the image an event, that which erupts from the cut–in language, in sound, in perspective, in space and time. This cut makes that eternity appear just as disappears, just as its stasis splits. This paper enacts Everett’s eidolon as one persistent practice of his oeuvre: of his paintings, poetry, and novels, specifically his paintings, Swimming Swimmers Swimming and Assumption.

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Pour citer ce document

Judith Roof, « Everett’s Eidolon: The Story of an Eye » dans « Percival Everett », « Lectures du monde anglophone », n° 1, 2015 Licence Creative Commons
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International. Polygraphiques - Collection numérique de l'ERIAC EA 4705

URL : http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=523.

Quelques mots à propos de :  Judith Roof

Rice University
Judith Roof is William Shakespeare Chair in English and Chair of the Department of English at Rice University. She is the author of several essays on Everett’s work and of several books on drama, gender, multi-media art and literature.