1 | 2015
Percival Everett

Ce volume recueille les communications présentées lors du colloque international « Percival Everett » organisé par l’équipe, à l’initiative d’Agathe Berland et d’Anne-Laure Tissut, en mars 2013 à la Maison de l’Université de Mont-Saint-Aignan.Textes recueillis par Agathe Berland et Anne-Laure Tissut, et mis en forme par Sarah Boulet.

This volume gathers the papers given at the international conference “Percival Everett” organised by the ERIAC research center and managed by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, that took place in March 2013 at the Maison de l’Université in Mont-Saint-Aignan.Texts collected by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, and finalized for publication by Sarah Boulet.

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1 | 2015

Jouissance in Damnedifido stories by Percival Everett

Isabelle Van Peteghem-Tréard


This paper, based upon Lacanian and deconstructionist tools, intends to show in what way Everett’s stories, notably The Fix and The Appropriation of Cultures, confront the fundamental division of American society in a metafictional way, constantly combining semiotics and politics. Indeed Percival Everett deals not only with the issue of black identity but also with the structuring of the subject through the symbolic, that is through language and strategies of what Derrida calls differance. Desire is thus first differed in the short stories in order to reach jouissance (as the symbolical re-appropriation of the usufruct of a property but also as pleasure). As the re-appropriation of meaning, empowerment and sublimation of desire, it is therefore central to Percival Everett’s Damnedifido stories and solves on the page the fundamental alienation between the black subject and the Other.

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Pour citer ce document

Isabelle Van Peteghem-Tréard, « Jouissance in Damnedifido stories by Percival Everett » dans « Percival Everett », « Lectures du monde anglophone », n° 1, 2015 Licence Creative Commons
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International. Polygraphiques - Collection numérique de l'ERIAC EA 4705

URL : http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=517.

Quelques mots à propos de :  Isabelle Van Peteghem-Tréard

CPGE littéraires – Guist’hau Nantes
Isabelle Van Peteghem-Tréard defended her PhD thesis on Jouissance and the Sacred in Alice Walker’s Novels in Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has published articles on Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Percival Everett, Angela Davis, Rebecca Cox Jackson, Tennessee Williams, Joyce Carol Oates, Vladimir Nabokov. Her book, La sublimation pourpre d’Alice Walker, will be released in 2013. She is also currently working on the notion of sublimation in American cinema. She teaches in 1e Supérieure and Lettres Supérieures in Nantes.