1 | 2015
Percival Everett

Ce volume recueille les communications présentées lors du colloque international « Percival Everett » organisé par l’équipe, à l’initiative d’Agathe Berland et d’Anne-Laure Tissut, en mars 2013 à la Maison de l’Université de Mont-Saint-Aignan.Textes recueillis par Agathe Berland et Anne-Laure Tissut, et mis en forme par Sarah Boulet.

This volume gathers the papers given at the international conference “Percival Everett” organised by the ERIAC research center and managed by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, that took place in March 2013 at the Maison de l’Université in Mont-Saint-Aignan.Texts collected by Agathe Berland and Anne-Laure Tissut, and finalized for publication by Sarah Boulet.

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1 | 2015

Assumption: from reminiscences to surprise, from dream to nightmare

Claude Julien


The paper will approach Assumption as an heir of earlier Everett stories, most visibly among the short stories. Describing the novel’s filiation with earlier texts leads to two paths. We will first see how, starting from supposedly familiar ground (Ogden seems not to be a first-comer) the novel leads the reader to a dreamland full of sand pits that culminates with Ogden’s question to Warren “What makes sense in this world?” Secondly, the paper will also discuss the novel from the standpoint of Jacques Rancière’s distinction between “police”, received/assumed opinions and behaviors, vs. “politics”, personal standpoints straying from generally accepted truths and conducts. Such seems to be the novel’s itinerary.

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Pour citer ce document

Claude Julien, « Assumption: from reminiscences to surprise, from dream to nightmare » dans « Percival Everett », « Lectures du monde anglophone », n° 1, 2015 Licence Creative Commons
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International. Polygraphiques - Collection numérique de l'ERIAC EA 4705

URL : http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=515.

Quelques mots à propos de :  Claude Julien

Université de Tours
Claude Julien, now retired from Tours University, has taught American studies, while African-American studies were his research field. He has been a member of the CAAR board. He organized the first-ever conference on Percival Everett’s fiction, and that took place in France. It gave rise to Reading Percival Everett, (CRAFT no 4) a collection of essays published by the Tours University Press. Reading has gone on since then, as book after book came out.